# OpenSpace3D 0.1.9a 03/11/2010 * Bug #2: OpenSpace3D test installed scol version * Feature #5: OpenSpace3d functions on import * Feature #7: OpenSpace3d axis ergonomy * Feature #8: OpenSpace3d helpers icon for none graphic elements * Feature #9: add Scene fog setting * Feature #10: Add sky setting and create * Feature #11: primary physics in OpenSpace3D Editor * Bug #12: id on mesh import * Feature #13: [OpenSpace3D Project] * Feature #14: OpenSpace3D in SCS module * Feature #15: [OpenSpace3D Project] Online editor * Feature #22: Skeletal animation support * Bug #24: Morph animation support * Feature #27: Export to applet * Feature #28: [CD_Export] Export to CD / exec * Feature #31: OS3D plugIT call url * Bug #48: Animations and mouse in car template * Feature #50: Focus on plugIT popup set Name * Feature #51: Adding keyboard CB method in scene Tree manager * Feature #52: [Multi-selection] Multi selection Management on every elements of OpenSpace3D * Bug #53: Change the init plugIT position * Feature #55: [Log&Spoofing] High level log management & spoofing * Feature #56: Copy/Paste plugIT * Feature #57: Duplicate Object and group * Feature #58: [Navigation Views] several view navigations * Feature #59: [Undo/Redo] Control Z * Feature #61: Os3d editor ergonomy > add plugIT menu * Feature #62: Os3d editor ergonomy > icon bubble * Feature #67: [Avatar] plugIT development * Feature #69: [Group Merge] Give the possibility to merge groups in OpenSpace3D * Feature #70: [Terrain] Terrain editor in OS3D * Feature #73: [multi-scene] Multi-scene edition * Feature #74: [Body editor] Make a complete physic Body editor