



Create a box

  • _gtkBoxNew

Create a new GTK+ box

Prototype :

fun [Chn ObjGtkWidget I I I] ObjGtkWidget

  • Channel : Chn: anychannel
  • parent : ObjGtkWidget : a parent (can be nil if the parent is set after)
  • homogeneous : I : 1 if all children are to be given equal space allotments.
  • spacing : I : the number of pixels to place by default between children (0 if negative).
  • flag : I : SCOL_GTK_BOX_HZ for a horizontal box, SCOL_GTK_BOX_VT for a vertical box
  • Return : ObjGtkWidget : the new box object

Return Containers

Updated by iri about 14 years ago ยท 3 revisions