Create a text object and insert an image in the text¶
Here, we create a small graphical interface without xml file.
The textbuffer is editable, so the user can write. Reset to ... reset the content ;-)
With Open, the user can choose a PNG file and put it into the buffer at the position 0 (but we could put to another position if we/he want(s).
typeof win = ObjGtkWidget;;
typeof vbox = ObjGtkWidget;;
typeof hbox = ObjGtkWidget;;
typeof text = ObjGtkWidget;;
typeof textbuffer = ObjGtkWidget;;
typeof buttonPix = ObjGtkWidget;;
typeof buttonReset = ObjGtkWidget;;
/* Reflex called when the main window is destroyed
The GTK+ main loop is stopped */
fun CBwindowDestroyed (obj, userParam)=
/* Reflex called when the user has choosen an image file */
fun CBopenFile (obj, userParam, filename) =
textbuffer // the text buffer object
_checkpack filename // the selected filename
0 // the position where pix will be inserted
10 // width (can be nil for the original size)
10 // height (can be nil for the original size)
0; // force to keep the ratio (1) or not (0)
/* Reflex called when the user click on one of the two buttons
Here, the user parameter gives the button clicked */
fun CBbuttonClicked (obj, userParam)=
if (userParam) then // Pix button
_channel // channel
win // mother
"Choose a *.txt file" // title
nil // default directory (nil for root)
SCOL_GTK_ACTION_OPEN // action : save, open, select, create folder)
[SCOL_GTK_DIALOG_FILTER_PATTERN "*.png" "PNG"] :: nil // filter
@CBopenFile // define the callback
0; // use rparameter
_gtkTextBufferSet textbuffer nil; // the text buffer will be empty (nil, or "")
fun main ()=
// Create the main window
set win = _gtkWindowNew _channel nil "Scol 2dGTK+ : text" [320 50] [500 400];
// Callback to the window destroyed
_gtkWindowCBdestroyed win @CBwindowDestroyed 10;
// Create a vbox, no homogenous and with 5 pixels between each element
set vbox = _gtkBoxNew _channel nil 0 5 SCOL_GTK_BOX_VT;
// Create a hbox to our two buttons
set hbox = _gtkBoxNew _channel nil 0 5 SCOL_GTK_BOX_HZ;
/* Create a text buffer with a default tags table. It's not imperative but it's better.
Otherwise, create the text directly and get the default text buffer after */
set textbuffer = _gtkTextBufferNew _channel nil;
// Create a text object
set text = _gtkTextNew _channel textbuffer "Salut !";
// Create two buttons : display an image and reset
set buttonReset = _gtkButtonNew _channel "gtk-refresh" SCOL_GTK_BUTTON_STOCKITEM 0;
set buttonPix = _gtkButtonNew _channel "gtk-open" SCOL_GTK_BUTTON_STOCKITEM 0;
// Put text and buttons into their boxes
// Put buttons into hbox : the order of the list gives the displayed order of the buttons
_gtkBoxAddChilds hbox buttonReset :: buttonPix :: nil 0; // 0 : we begins the insert by the begin !
// Put the text and hbox object into vbox and set customs parameters
_gtkBoxAddChilds vbox text :: hbox :: nil 0;
_gtkBoxSetChilds vbox [text 1 1 0 0] :: [hbox 0 0 0 0] :: nil;
// Add the global box to the main window
_gtkWindowAddChild win vbox;
// Display all elements
_gtkWidgetShowAll win;
// Launch the GTK+ main loop
Return Examples
Updated by arkeon almost 4 years ago ยท 2 revisions