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iri, 03/30/2011 05:11 PM


A widget displaying an image. To manage any image resource, see Pix api instead.
If the image file contains an animation, the result will be animated too. The supported formats are the same than GTK+.


Create a new image object.

Prototype : fun [Chn I u0 u1] ObjGtkWidget

channel Chn any channel
flag I a flagto give the type SCOL_IMAGE_EMPTY : create an empty image object. You can set a content later.
SCOL_IMAGE_FILE : create an image object from an image file. The supported formats are the same than GTK+. You can modify it later.
SCOL_IMAGE_PIX : create an image object from an existing pix object. You can modify it later.
SCOL_IMAGE_PIXANIM : create an image object from an existing animated pix object. You can modify it later.
SCOL_IMAGE_ICON : create an image object from an icon name of the current theme. You can modify it later.
SCIMAGE_STOCK : create an image object from a stock item name (owned to GTK+ or owned to you, via the factory (see this). You can modify it later.
param u0 This parameter depends to the previous flag. If flag is SCOL_IMAGE_FILE, SCOL_IMAGE_ICON or SCOL_IMAGE_STOCK, then param has a S type. It must be the filename to load or the name of the icon or the stock item.
If flag is SCOL_IMAGE_PIX or SCOL_IMAGE_PIXANIM, the type is ObjGtkPix, param must be a ObjGtkPix object
Otherwise, param should be nil
option u1 At this time, option should be a I object (integer) and depends to the previous flag. If the flag is SCOL_IMAGE_ICON or SCOL_IMAGE_STOCK, then option gives the predefined size of the icon / stock item : SCOL_ICON_SIZE_MENU, SCOL_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, SCOL_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR, SCOL_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON, SCOL_ICON_SIZE_DND, SCOL_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG. An other value should not be set.
Otherwise, option should be nil

Return : ObjGtkWidget : a new image object or nil if error

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Updated by iri almost 14 years ago · 12 revisions