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iri, 03/20/2011 03:53 PM


Widget that displays a text string, typically on multi lines.

A text object can be seen as a container. Each text object has a buffer object. The buffer object stores the content (the string). You can change buffer object to a same text object.


Create a new text object.

Prototype : fun [Chn ObjGtkWidget S] [ObjGtkWidgetObjGtkWidget]

channel Chn a channel. Can not be nil
buffer ObjGtkWidget a text buffer object. It can be nil; in this case, a default buffer will be created
content S an initial content. It can be nil

Return : [ObjGtkWidget ObjGtkWidget] : the new text object and the buffer text object. If buffer was not nil, this will be the same, otherwise, it will be a new buffer text object too.


Return the current buffer object.

Prototype : fun [ObjGtkWidget] ObjGtkWidget
Text object -> buffer object.


Return if a text object is editable or not.

Prototype : fun [ObjGtkWidget] I
Return : I : 1 if editable, else 0. Nil if error (object is nil).


Set if a text object is editable or not.

Prototype : fun [ObjGtkWidget I] ObjGtkWidget
Set the integer to 1 if the text must be editable, 0 otherwise

Return : ObjGtkWidget : the same text object or nil if error (object is nil).



Create a new text buffer object.

Prototype : fun [Chn ObjGtkWidget] ObjGtkWidget

channel Chn A channel
tagstable ObjGtkWidget A tags table object or nil (in this case, a default table object will be created)

Return : ObjGtkWidget : a new text buffer object or nil if error


Insert a string in a position

Prototype : fun [ObjGtkWidget S I] ObjGtkWidget

buffer ObjGtkWidget Any buffer already created
string S Any string to insert
position I A position. If nil, negative or greater than the current length of the buffer, the position will be the end

Return : ObjGtkWidget : the same text buffer object or nil if error.


Copy a string from a buffer (between two positions) to a buffer.

Prototype : fun [ObjGtkWidget I ObjGtkWidget I I] ObjGtkWidget

buffer ObjGtkWidget Any buffer already created
position I Any string to insert
buffer ObjGtkWidget Any other buffer already created
position I A position. If nil, negative or greater than the current length of the buffer, the position will be the begin
position I A position. If nil, negative or greater than the current length of the buffer, the position will be the end

Return : ObjGtkWidget : the same text buffer object or nil if error.


Gets the number of lines and of characters in the buffer. The number of characters and the numbers of bytes can be different. here, the number of characters is returned.

Prototype : fun [ObjGtkWidget] [I I]

Return : [I I] : a tuple with the number of lines and the numbers of characters. If error, the function returns nil.


Gets the tags table associated with a text buffer object.

Prototype : fun [ObjGtkWidget] ObjGtkWidget

Return : ObjGtkWidget : the Scol tags table object if is already created or a new Scol object. Nil if error.

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Updated by iri almost 14 years ago · 31 revisions