Base class for all widgets.
Show all childs
Prototype :
fun [ObjGtkWidget] ObjGtkWidget
Return : the same object or nil if error
Show / Hide a single widget.
Prototype :
fun [ObjGtkWidget I] ObjGtkWidget
If the flag is at 1, the widget is shown, if the flag is at 0, the widget is hidden.
Return : the same object or nil if error
Destroy an object
Prototype :
fun [ObjGtkWidget] I
Return : 0 or nil if error
Define any callback to a widget
Prototype :
fun [ObjGtkWidget u1 u0 I I] ObjGtkWidget
Return : the same object or nil if error
for more details, see callbacks
Returns the type of a widget (e.g. "GtkButton", "GtkLabel", "GtkWindow", ...)
Prototype :
fun [ObjGtkWidget] S
Return the type of the widget or nil if error
Return API
Updated by iri almost 14 years ago ยท 5 revisions