





Create a new window

Prototype :
fun [Chn ObjGtkWidget S [I I] [I I]] ObjGtkWidget

  • Channel : Chn :any channel
  • Parent : ObjGtkWidget : a parent, can be nil
  • Title : S : a title
  • Position : [I I] : x and y
  • Size : [I I] : width and height
  • Return : ObjGtkWidget : the new window or nil if error


Add a child to a window

Prototype :
fun [ObjGtkWidget ObjGtkWidget] ObjGtkWidget

  • window : ObjGtkWidget : the parent
  • child : ObjGtkWidget : a child (typically a container but can be a single widget like a button)
  • Return : the same window


Callback called when the window is destroyed

Prototype :
fun [ObjGtkWidget fun [ObjGtkWidget u0] u1 u0] ObjGtkWidget

Note : you can define it too via _gtkWidgetCB with the flag SCOL_GTK_WIDGET_DESTROY.


Define if the delete-event (e.g. a user press the close button) destroys the window or hide the window
If the window is hidden, it can be shown later without rebuild it.

Prototype :
fun [ObjGtkWidget I] ObjGtkWidget
  • window : ObjGtkWidget : any window
  • flag : I : 1 to hide, otherwise the window will be destroyed

Return API

Updated by arkeon almost 4 years ago ยท 9 revisions