


Scol standard library package  0.3.1
Common and usefull functions for all Scol applications
browseText.pkg File Reference

New BrowseText widget API. More...


struct  BrowseText
 Opaque internal structure. You should not call it directly, use API instead ! More...


typedef struct mkBrowseText BrowseText


 _ADDbrowseTextContent (bt, szAddContent)
 Add (append) a content to the text field.
 _BUILDbrowseTextDialog (bt, dlgType, initPath, initName, filter)
 Build a predefined dialog box to a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextChanged (bt, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the content changed event callback to the text field of a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextClick (bt, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the click event callback to a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextClose (bt, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the close event callback to a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextDestroy (bt, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the destroy event callback to a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextDialogDir (bt, cbfun)
 Define the open directory dialog event callback to a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextDialogOpen (bt, cbfun)
 Define the open single file dialog event callback to a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextDialogOpenMulti (bt, cbfun)
 Define the open multi file dialog event callback to a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextDialogSave (bt, cbfun)
 Define the save file dialog event callback to a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextDragDrop (bt, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the drag & drop event callback to a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextLineOk (bt, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the key return pushed event callback to the text field of a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextMove (bt, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the move event callback to a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextPaint (bt, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the paint event callback to a BrowseText control.
 _CBbrowseTextSize (bt, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the resize event callback to a BrowseText control.
 _CRbrowseTextMulti (chn, mother, x, y, w, h)
 Create a default multi-line browseText.
 _CRbrowseTextMultiEx (chn, mother, x, y, w, h, flags, leftButton)
 Create a multi-line browseText.
 _CRbrowseTextSingle (chn, mother, x, y, w, h)
 Create a default browseText with a single line.
 _CRbrowseTextSingleEx (chn, mother, x, y, w, h, flags, leftButton)
 Create a browseText with a single line.
 _DSbrowseText (bt)
 Destroy a browseText control.
 _ENbrowseText (bt, flag)
 Enable or Disable a BrowseText control.
 _ENbrowseTextButton (bt, state)
 Enable or Disable the button of a BrowseText control.
 _ENbrowseTextText (bt, state)
 Enable or Disable the text field of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextButtonBitmap (bt)
 Return the current ObjBitmap button of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextButtonCoord (bt)
 Return the current position and size of the button of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextContent (bt)
 Return the current text in the BrowseText.
 _GETbrowseTextContentLine (bt, iNumber)
 Return the content of a line from a text of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextEnabled (bt)
 Return the current state of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextFirstLine (bt)
 Return the number of the first visible text line of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextFont (bt)
 Return the current font object used by the BrowseText.
 _GETbrowseTextFontName (bt)
 Return the current font name used by the BrowseText.
 _GETbrowseTextLines (bt)
 Return the number of lines from a text of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextPosition (bt)
 Return the current position of a BrowseText control in its parent window.
 _GETbrowseTextShown (bt)
 Return if a BrowseText control is shown or hidden.
 _GETbrowseTextSize (bt)
 Return the current size of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextSizeButton (bt)
 Return the current button size of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextSizeMax (bt)
 Return the current maxi size of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextSizeMaxDefault ()
 Return the current maxi absolute size of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextSizeMin (bt)
 Return the current mini size of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextSizeMinDefault ()
 Return the current mini absolute size of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextTextCoord (bt)
 Return the current position and size of the text field of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextTip (bt)
 Return the current button tip of a BrowseText control.
 _GETbrowseTextTitle (bt)
 Return the current title of the button inside the BrowseText.
 _MOVEbrowseText (bt, newx, newy)
 Move a BrowseText control in its parent window.
 _REBUILDbrowseText (bt)
 Rebuild a browseText.
 _REMOVEbrowseTextLine (bt, iNumber)
 Remove a line in the text of a BrowseText control.
 _SCROLLbrowseText (bt, iColumn, iLine)
 Perform a scrolling to the character defined by its colummn and line coordinates from a text of a BrowseText control.
 _SCROLLbrowseTextV (bt, iLine)
 Perform a scrolling to the line defined by its number from a text of a BrowseText control.
 _SETbrowseTextButtonAction (bt, dlgType, initPath, initName, filter)
 _SETbrowseTextButtonBitmap (bt, oBmp)
 Display a bitmap instead of the title in the button of a BrowseText control.
 _SETbrowseTextContent (bt, szNewContent)
 (Re)Define a new content to the text field
 _SETbrowseTextFirstLine (bt, iLine)
 Set the number of the first visible line from a text of a BrowseText control.
 _SETbrowseTextFont (bt, font)
 Set a font object to the control (the text field and the button)
 _SETbrowseTextFontName (bt, szFont, iSize, iRotation, iFlag)
 Define a new font to the control (the text field and the button)
 _SETbrowseTextSizeMax (bt, maxw, mawh)
 Set the maximale size to a BrowseText control.
 _SETbrowseTextSizeMin (bt, minw, minh)
 Set the minimale size to a BrowseText control.
 _SETbrowseTextTip (bt, szTip)
 Display a 'tip' on the button of a BrowseText control.
 _SETbrowseTextTitle (bt, szNewTitle)
 Define the title of the button inside the BrowseText.
 _SHOWbrowseText (bt, state)
 Define if a BrowseText control is shown or hide.
 _SIZEbrowseText (bt, neww, newh)
 Set a new size to a BrowseText control.
 _SIZEbrowseTextButton (bt, buttonSizeW, buttonSizeH)
 Set the size to the button of a BrowseText control.
 browsertext_cbChanged (o, u)
 browsertext_cbClick (o, u)
 browsertext_cbClickWin (o, u, paf, pef, pif)
 browsertext_cbClose (o, u)
 browsertext_cbDestroy (o, u)
 browsertext_cbDragDrop (o, u, paf, pef, pFiles)
 browsertext_cbLineOk (o, u, content)
 browsertext_cbMove (o, u, x, y)
 browsertext_cbPaint (o, u)
 browsertext_cbSize (o, u, w, h)
 browsertext_destroy (bt)
 browsetext_calculSize (bt)
 browsetext_cbDlgDir (o, bt, szFile)
 browsetext_cbDlgOpenMulti (o, bt, pFiles)
 browsetext_cbDlgOpenSingle (o, bt, pFile)
 browsetext_cbDlgSave (o, bt, wFile)
 browsetext_create (bt, chn, mother, x, y, w, h, flagMulti, flagsText, leftButton, fonte)
 browsetext_createButtonBitamp (bt)
 browsetext_dsBitmap (bt)
 browsetext_font (bt)
 browsetext_init ()
 browsetext_move (bt, newx, newy)
 browsetext_reset (bt)
 browsetext_resize (bt, neww, newh)
 browseText_setDlg (bt, type, initPath, initName, filter)
 Constante : allow horizontal scrolling in the text field.
 Constante : set the center alignement in the text field.
 Constante : set the left alignement in the text field.
 Constante : set the right alignement in the text field.
 Constante : allow vertical scrolling in the text field.
 Constante : display a border around the text field.
 Constante : disable the browserText.
 Constante : display a 3d border around the text field.
 Constante : allow drag and drop inside the browserText.
 Constante : enable the browserText.
 Constante : hide the browseText when creating.
 Constante : hide the browserText.
 Constante : display horizontal scroll box in the text field.
 Constante : set the lower case content in the text field.
 Constante : set the text field no editable.
 Constante : set the text field to only numbers.
 Constante : set the text field as a password field (display only '*')
 Constante : show the browserText.
 Constante : display vertical scroll box in the text field.


var BT_MAXSIZE = 9999
 Maximum fixed size for a browserText. By default, it is 9999 pixels.
var BT_MINSIZE = 1
 Minimum fixed size for a browserText. By default, it is 1 pixels.

Detailed Description

New BrowseText widget API.

Scol team