



C++ coding rules


The following C++ code rules aim to keep the same plugin structure whatever the developer.

General points

  • Indentation
    • 2 space characters (no tab),
    • Left brace at the beginning of the line (no Java-style using the left brace at the end of the line).
 if (true)
   // Good Indentation
 // Bad indentation
  • No space between the latest character on a line and the final semicolon.
 int maPremiereVariable = 1; // Good
 int maSecondeVariable = 1 ; // Bad
  • The character '*' for a pointer and '&' for a reference must be stuck to the related type or variable.
 MyClass* pointeur1 = new MyClass();  // Good
 MyClass * pointeur2 = new MyClass(); // Bad
 MyClass *pointeur1 = new MyClass();  // Bad
  • Each new parameter of a function must be preceded by a space. Furthermore, there mustn't be any space just after the left or right parenthesis.
 int maVariable = maFonction(param1, param2, param3);       // Good
 int maVariable2 = maFonction(param1,param2,param3);        // Bad
 int maVariable2 = maFonction(param1 , param2  , param3 );  // Bad
  • Don't hesitate to follow a very strict indentation, even if when the source code can be composed of a single line. This method will make the debugging easier.
 if(curMaterialPair)SAFE_DELETE(curMaterialPair); // Bad

 if (curMaterialPair)
   SAFE_DELETE(curMaterialPair);                  // Good

 if (curMaterialPair)                             // Also good

Class definition

For each definition of a class, the following structure must be followed :

 class MyClass
 // Member variables, typedefs and enums are defined here
   int maVariableMembre; // member variable sample.

 // Member functions and methods are defined here
   Constructor sample
   MyClass(int newVal);

Using this way, it's easy to identity the different elements from a class, and their respective access level (public, protected or private).

Updated by ModularMix over 13 years ago ยท 1 revisions