Start to build Scol using CMAKE » History » Revision 8
Revision 7 (brainsandwich, 05/20/2015 02:49 PM) → Revision 8/45 (brainsandwich, 05/20/2015 02:49 PM)
h1. Start to build Scol using CMAKE h2. Get the Scol sources Scol use Subversion for source control and you can use "Tortoise SVN": to get the source code. So first retrieve the sources from "", accept the certificate and go take some coffee. The source directories contains most of the dependencies, and since some of them are modified they are provided in the sources. h2. Dependencies search paths h3. Windows Once you get the sources, you can execute "setWindowsSearchPaths.bat" in the dependencies directory. !!WARNING!! when you execute the bat file using the mouse the current directory is wrong. You need to start a DOS command line "cmd.exe" as administrator and go to the dependencies directory to start the bat file manually. This will add needed environment variables and paths. h3. Android For Android build on Windows, there's no such bat file for the moment (sorry). You will have to put the environment variables yourself. Right click on Computer -> Properties Computer->Properties (in file explorer for example) -> System Parameters -> Environment ->System Parameters->Environment Variables Then add these entries (into "system variables") : * ANDROID_HOME : path/to/sdk * ANDROID_SDK_HOME : path/to/sdk * ANDROID_SDK : path/to/sdk * ANDROID_NDK : path/to/ndk * ANT_HOME : path/to/ant * JAVA_HOME : path/to/jdk -- should be something like "C:\Progra~1\Java\<jdkfolder>" * CMAKE : path/to/cmake Then add these variables into the PATH one (you can copy pasta the following) : @%ANDROID_NDK%;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%ANDROID_SDK%\tools;%ANDROID_SDK%\platform-tools;%CMAKE%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;@ h2. Build needed dependencies Most of the dependencies are built for Visual Studio 2010. But some build are too huge to put on the SVN, so you will have to build them manually. This is the case of Ogre3D to build the SO3Engine for example. So this is not needed for the Scol kernel and most of the plugins. Scol Kernel only need Boost dependencies. To build it go to the trunk/dependencies/boost directory. first build the bjam program by launching the bootstrap.bat file. Then you can build Boost using the ScolBoostBuild.bat Now CMake should find it when building Scol. h2. Build the projects using CMAKE Download and install "CMAKE":, there is a GUI for windows called "cmake-gui". Now launch CMAKE and build the project using the sources and build path, for example : souces : trunk/scol binaries : trunk/scol/build Hit the "Configure" button and choose "Visual Studio 10" as project target. Hit "Configure" again until you don't have red lines anymore. Then you can hit the "Generate" button. h2. Build the sources Open the Scol.sln file generated in the trunk/scol/build And finally build the project. The compiled binaries are exported under trunk/scol_sdk/bin/Release or Debug. h1. Start your new plugin h2. Source paths Start by creating a directory with your new plugin name in the trunk/scol/plugins folder. For example trunk/scol/plugins/myPlugin Usually we prefer to separate the sources and the includes. So creates a "src" and "include" directory in your plugin folder. Creates the empty files you will need for your project, usually : - include/myplugin.h for your classes declaration - src/myplugin.cpp for your classes definition - src/scolplugin.cpp for the Scol binding functions h2. Dependencies If your project need an external SDK or dependencies, add then in the trunk/dependencies directory. Then create a findMydepname.cmake file in trunk\scol\CMake\Packages. You can copy and change an existing Find.cmake file to make yours. Start from a simple one like FindMyo.cmake for example. h2. Cmake files It's time to creates the CMAKE script for your plugin. Create a "CMakeLists.txt" file in the plugin directory. trunk/scol/plugins/myPlugin/CMakeLists.txt And edit the file with a text editor. <pre> #------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is part of the CMake build system for Scol # # The contents of this file are placed in the public domain. Feel # free to make use of it in any way you like. #------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################ # CmakeList file for Myplugin ############################################################ #Your project name PROJECT(myPLugin) # define header and source files for the library set (MYPLUGIN_HEADER_FILES include/myplugin.h ) set (MYPLUGIN_SOURCE_FILES src/myplugin.cpp src/scolplugin.cpp ) # Add includes directories from dependencies # include_directories(include ${MYDEP_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Add definition for P4 optimizations, warnings removal. add_definitions(-DOPTI_P4 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D) # Add dependencies libraries # set(LIBRARIES # ${MYDEP_LIBRARIES} # ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} # ${PNG_LIBRARIES} # ) # setup Scol plugin target add_library(myPLugin ${Scol_LIB_TYPE} ${MYPLUGIN_HEADER_FILES} ${MYPLUGIN_SOURCE_FILES} ) add_dependencies(myPLugin kernel) # set the dll version. set_target_properties(myPLugin PROPERTIES VERSION ${Scol_VERSION} SOVERSION ${Scol_VERSION_MAJOR}) target_link_libraries(myPLugin ${LIBRARIES}) # install Scol scol_config_plugin(myPLugin) install(FILES ${MYPLUGIN_HEADER_FILES} DESTINATION include/SCOL/plugins/myPLugin) </pre> Now we need to declare this new plugin in the common Scol cmake files. Edit the trunk/scol/CMakeLists.txt file and add your plugin definition like the following. If you don't have dependencies. <pre> option(Scol_BUILD_MYPLUGIN "Build myPluginplugin, my library" TRUE) </pre> If you have depencies <pre> cmake_dependent_option(Scol_BUILD_MYPLUGIN "Build myPlugin, my library." TRUE "MYDEP_FOUND;ZLIB_FOUND;PNG_FOUND" FALSE) </pre> Now edit the trunk/scol/plugin/CMakeLists.txt file and add the following. <pre> # Configure myPlugin plugin build if (Scol_BUILD_MYPLUGIN) add_subdirectory(myPlugin) endif () </pre> Only if you have dependencies, edit the trunk/scol/CMake/ScolDependencies.cmake file and add the dependencies resolution as the following <pre> # Find MyDep find_package(MYDEP) macro_log_feature(MYDEP_FOUND "Mydep" "MydepLibrary" "" FALSE "" "") </pre> h2. Almost done Open the CMAKE-gui again. Hit the "Configure button" and check if you found your plugin in the scol group. Then hit the generate button, and open the scol.sln project again. You should have the project added in Visual Studio.