SO3::SLines Member List
This is the complete list of members for SO3::SLines, including all inherited members.
AddLine(const Ogre::Vector3 &start, const Ogre::Vector3 &end) | SO3::SLines | |
AddLine(const Ogre::Real &start_x, const Ogre::Real &start_y, const Ogre::Real &start_z, const Ogre::Real &end_x, const Ogre::Real &end_y, const Ogre::Real &end_z) | SO3::SLines | |
AddPoint(const size_t &pointIndex, const Ogre::Vector3 &pt) | SO3::SLines | |
AddPoint(const size_t &pointIndex, const Ogre::Real &x, const Ogre::Real &y, const Ogre::Real &z) | SO3::SLines | |
AddPoint(const Ogre::Vector3 &pt) | SO3::SLines | |
AddPoint(const Ogre::Real &x, const Ogre::Real &y, const Ogre::Real &z) | SO3::SLines | |
Clear() | SO3::SLines | |
Draw() | SO3::SLines | |
DrawDash() | SO3::SLines | |
getBoundingRadius() const | SO3::SLines | virtual |
GetColour() | SO3::SLines | |
GetDashed() | SO3::SLines | |
GetNumberOfPoints() const | SO3::SLines | |
GetPoint(const size_t &pointIndex) | SO3::SLines | |
getSquaredViewDepth(const Ogre::Camera *cam) const | SO3::SLines | virtual |
RemovePoint(const size_t &pointIndex) | SO3::SLines | |
SetColour(const Ogre::ColourValue &newColour) | SO3::SLines | |
SetDashed(bool dashed) | SO3::SLines | |
SetPoint(const size_t &pointIndex, const Ogre::Vector3 &pt) | SO3::SLines | |
SetPoint(const size_t &pointIndex, const Ogre::Real &x, const Ogre::Real &y, const Ogre::Real &z) | SO3::SLines | |
SLines(const Ogre::ColourValue &defaultColour=Ogre::ColourValue::White, bool dashed=false, bool disableDepth=false) | SO3::SLines | |
~SLines() | SO3::SLines |
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