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iri, 09/24/2012 09:45 PM
The starting or how to code in Scol ?¶
Welcome to new programmers.
If you have never coded, this will be enough easy because Scol is an interpreted and high level language. The source code are text files.
You can program from any platform (and next execute from any supported platform).
The first thing to do is to install Scol.
Next, use a text editor, like Scite, Notepad++, .... Choose your favortite !
That's all !
- this wiki
- the Scol tutorial (english or french version), downloadable from the Documents section
- the Scol reference language, available from the same section
- study and understand the existing source codes
- the forum to post all your questions :
- other web resources
Text editors¶
Some addons are availables for few text editors : code completion, syntax highlighting, ... (alphabetic order)
Bluefish is a free multiplatform text editor targeted towards programmers and webdevelopers
Syntax highlighting and code completion : Bluefish
Emacs is a free multiplatform text editor (and more !).
Syntax highlighting : Emacs
Gedit is a free multiplatform text editor with a lot of availables plugins.
Syntax highlighting, code completion and few Scol plugins Gedit
Nano is a free text editor on Unix-like system, using a command line interface.
Syntax highlighting : Nano
Notepad++ is a free text editor for MS Windows system.
Syntax highlighting, functions list, code completion : Notepad++
Ultra-Edit is a shareware for MS Windows system.
Syntax highlighting and (partial) code completion) : wordfile.txt
IDE (Integrated Development Environment)¶
Code::Blocks (C::B) is a free C/C++ IDE. You can add a Scol support like the syntax highlinghting : Code Blocks
This software can be helpful if you develop the Scol language too.
Updated by iri over 12 years ago · 3 revisions