


Start to build Scol using CMAKE ยป README.txt

arkeon, 03/02/2017 03:12 PM

# Building FFmpeg on Windows

The script allows compiling FFmpeg on Windows for the following targets :

- Win32 using VS2010
- Android arm/arm64/x86/x86_64/mips/mips64 using GCC.

## Prerequisites

- MSYS : or MSYS2 (
- FFmpeg sources : get the sources of a release from (tested with 2.8.4)
- YASM : (use a "Win32 .exe" release) (note : needs VC2010 redistributable)

Rename the YASM executable to yasm.exe and put in in your PATH.

To speed up the build, you can specify the number of parallel `make` jobs at line 37 in the script `` :
add `-j <number of jobs>` to the first `make` instruction.
Note that this might not work with MSYS 1 (the one supplied with MinGW32).

The script allows to build both release and debug versions of the library.

## Building for Win32 with VS2013

### Prerequisites

- C99-to-C89 :
Needed because VS only supports C99 from version 2013 onwards.
- msinttypes :
For inttypes.h and possibly stdint.h if your VS doesn't already have it.

Unzip C99-to-C89 and msinttypes to the same folder.
Add this folder to your PATH and INCLUDE variables (create INCLUDE if needed).

### Build

Launch a Visual Studio shell (there should be a shortcut in your start menu).
This opens a cmd window with pre-configured env variables that MSVC needs.
From this shell, launch an MSYS shell (msys.bat).
You can now close the initial VS shell.

In the MSYS shell, make sure cl and link point to VS executables (`which cl`, `which link`).
If it isn't the case : `export PATH="<path to your VS install>/VC/BIN":$PATH`
Also check `which make` and if needed in msys2 use pacman commands to sync make.
You can now build FFmpeg (use absolute paths to specify directories) :
`./ win32 <debug/release> <ffmpeg sources dir> <build destination dir>`

If the build fails because of mutliple int type declarations, remove stdint.h from the folder where you unpacked msinttypes.

*Note* : You can't link a debug Scol build with a release FFmpeg build, and vice versa.

## Building for Android

### Prerequisites

- Android NDK (tested with 10e)

### Build

In an MSYS shell, build FFmpeg with the desired options (use absolute paths to specify directories) :
`./ android <debug/release> <ffmpeg sources dir> <build destination dir> <ANDROID_NDK_PATH> <ANDROID_TARGET_API> <ANDROID_TARGET_ABI> <GCC_VERSION>`