Images » History » Revision 6
Revision 5 (iri, 03/30/2011 06:55 PM) → Revision 6/12 (iri, 03/30/2011 06:56 PM)
h1. Images
A *widget* displaying an image. To manage any image resource, see [[Pix]] api instead.
If the image file contains an animation, the result will be animated too. The supported formats are the same than GTK+.
h2. _gtkImageNew
Create a new image object.
Prototype : *fun [Chn I u0 u1] ObjGtkWidget*
|*channel*|Chn|any channel||
|*flag*|I|a flag to give the type|SCOL_IMAGE_EMPTY : create an empty image object. You can set a content later.|
| | | |SCOL_IMAGE_FILE : create an image object from an image file. The supported formats are the same than GTK+. You can modify it later.|
| | | |SCOL_IMAGE_PIX : create an image object from an existing pix object. You can modify it later.|
| | | |SCOL_IMAGE_PIXANIM : create an image object from an existing animated pix object. You can modify it later.|
| | | |SCOL_IMAGE_ICON : create an image object from an icon name of the current theme. You can modify it later.|
| | | |SCIMAGE_STOCK : create an image object from a stock item name (owned to GTK+ or owned to you, via the factory (see this). You can modify it later.|
|*param*|u0|This parameter depends to the previous _flag_.|If _flag_ is SCOL_IMAGE_FILE, SCOL_IMAGE_ICON or SCOL_IMAGE_STOCK, then _param_ has a S type. It must be the filename to load or the name of the icon or the stock item.|
| | | |If _flag_ is SCOL_IMAGE_PIX or SCOL_IMAGE_PIXANIM, the type is ObjGtkPix, _param_ must be a ObjGtkPix object|
| | | |Otherwise, _param_ should be nil|
|*option*|u1|At this time, _option_ should be a I object (integer) and depends to the previous _flag_.|If the _flag_ is SCOL_IMAGE_ICON or SCOL_IMAGE_STOCK, then _option_ gives the predefined size of the icon / stock item : SCOL_ICON_SIZE_MENU, SCOL_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, SCOL_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR, SCOL_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON, SCOL_ICON_SIZE_DND, SCOL_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG. An other value should not be set.|
| | | |Otherwise, _option_ should be nil|
+Return+ : ObjGtkWidget : a new image object or nil if error
h2. _gtkImageGetType
Returns the type of a image object
Prototype : *fun [ObjGtkWidget] I*
+Return+ : I :
* SCOL_IMAGE_EMPTY : there is no image displayed by the widget.
* SCOL_IMAGE_PIX : the widget contains a pix object (directly from a pix object or from an image file).
* SCOL_IMAGE_STOCK : the widget contains a stock icon name
* SCOL_IMAGE_PIXANIM : the widget contains an animated pix object (directly from an animated pix object or from an image file).
* SCOL_IMAGE_ICON : the widget contains a named icon.
Return [[Api]]