




Download the lastest version available from the repository (

  • .so for GNU / Linux users
  • .dll fo MS Windows XP, Vista, Seven users

Copy the library to your Scol plugins subfolder :

  • On GNU / Linux, Scol is typically in your home folder. So, the library must be in a plugins directory.
  • On MS Windows, Scol is typically in your Programs (or Program Folder) folder. So, the library must be in plugins directory.

Edit the usm.ini file :

  • with any text editor, or
  • if Scol is launched, by right click on the Scol icon : settings > expert mode

Then, add this line to your usm.ini file (in the root of your Scol directory) :
plugin plugins/2dgtk.dll SCOLload2dGTK SCOLfree2dGTK

Relaunch Scol

That's all :)

To install from sources, see Compilation.


Delete the library file (.so or .dll)
Comment or remove the line to the usm.ini file


To run the 2dgtk+ library for Scol, GTK+ library must be installed to your system. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed.

In this case, do this :

  • Install them
    On MS Windows, you can install to :
    1. the Scol root directory (not recommended)
    2. any system or application folder
      In this last case, verify your PATH :
      in the command tool, run echo %PATH%
      the folder must be listed. If not, add it :
    3. Go to your Configuration panel > System > Advanced > Environment variables. Seach PATH to the list and click on Modify
    4. Add the path (with ; before). For example : ";c:\Programs\Commons Files\Gtk\bin" (without "")
      or use regedit tool (HKEY_Local_Machine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment)
  • Relaunch Scol

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Updated by iri almost 14 years ago ยท 2 revisions