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Return the sunrise / sunset, anywhere on Earth.
Prototype :
fun [[I I] [I I] [I I I]] [S S]
- [I I] : latitude : degree (0-90) and minutes (0-59). Positive to north, negative to south. Can be nil (in this last case, the latitude of Paris (France) will be considered).
- [I I] : longitude : degree (0-180) and minutes (0-59). Positive to east, negative to west. Can be nil (in this last case, the longitude of Paris (France) will be considered).
- [I I I] : date : day (1 - 31), month (1-12), year (>= 1582). Can be nil (in this last case, get the current date)
Return : [S S] sunrise and sunset, in UTC, "--" if not sunrise / sunset, or nil if error
See also :
Example :
fun main ()=
_fooS sprintf "sunrise : %s sunset : %s" _scienceDateSun [51 12] [(-5) 21] nil; // sunrise : 6:11 sunset : 18:16