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Calculates the fingerprint for each loaded packages in the environment of the specified channel. It is useful to verify if a new version is available or if an application is the same than the official source code.
This functions contains a part of code under GNU GPL 2.0 license :
You must agree the terms of this (free) license and inform the users.
Prototype :
fun [Chn] [[S S] r1]
Return : [[S S] r1] a list of tuples or nil if error. Each tuple contains the relative filename package and its fingerprint.
See also :
Example :
fun readMd5Source (list)= if list == nil then 0 else ( _fooS sprintf "pkg = %s md5 = %s" hd list; readMd5Source tl list );; readMd5Source getSourceMd5 _channel;