



How to install Scol ?

To launch any Scol application, Scol must be already installed. Scol is a free language. Once installed, you can run all applications.

The downloaded file (archive or exe) contains a small graphical user interface to manage it : the Voyager (see " How to use Scol ? " in this wiki).

To install Scol on a MS Windows system

  1. Download the last version from our site (prefer always get a software from the official web site !).
  2. Double-click on the dowloaded file : it contains a wizard (english and french).
  3. This is optional but we recommend you to configure Scol (see article " How to use Scol ? " in this wiki).

How to update your Scol installation ?

In " Settings " (see " How to use Scol ? " in this wiki), check the update option (item Maintenance). If an update is available, Scol will ask you what you want to do.

Otherwise, you can perform a manually update. Close Scol if any and download the latest version and install it in overwriting the current install.

To install Scol on a GNU/Linux system

  1. Download the last version from our site (prefer always get a software from the official web site !).
  2. Extract the archive in your personal folder (or a sub folder). We recommend you to be not "root".

From a terminal

  1. Login you
  2. Download the archive :
    $ wget (see Files section)
  3. Extract this :
    $ tar -xzvf scol_linux_v45_beta2_install.tgz
  4. Remove the downloaded file, if you want :
    $ rm scol_linux_v45_beta2_install.tgz

Note : the GNU/Linux version is not up to date

To install Scol on MacOS X system (or another system)

Scol is yet either obsolete or unavailable.

Updated by iri almost 12 years ago · 2 revisions