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iri, 12/17/2011 10:19 PM
Copyright (C) 2011, Stephane Bisaro, aka iri <>
License : you can do what you want with this source code
This code is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
KIND, either express or implied.
Transform a string to an array
setArray : fun [S] I
initialize the array from a string. Return always 0.
changeArray : fun [I S] I
replace the value of the index. Return always 0.
addArray : fun [S] I
add a char at the end if there is a still space.
Returns 0 if ok, 1 if there is not place enough, 2 if the length
of input is too large (must be one char)
removeArray : fun [I] I
remove the content of the given index. The content of the
superior index is decreased. Return 0 if ok, 1 if the index
is out of range.
getArrayValue : fun [I] S
return the char from the given index
getArray : fun [] S
retrieve a string from the array
Note : you can define the array with a max size instead the length of
the input. In this case, don't forget to change tests in functions ...
var input = "Scol is a bbeautiful language ";;
typeof array = tab S;;
/* Private functions */
fun getArray2 (counter)=
if counter >= sizetab array then
strcat array.counter getArray2 counter+1;;
fun addArray2 (array, char, previous, counter)=
if counter < 0 then
if array.counter == nil then
addArray2 array char counter counter-1
else if previous != nil then
set array.previous = char;
addArray2 array char previous counter-1;;
fun removeArray2 (array, index, counter)=
if counter >= ((sizetab array) - 1) then
set array.counter = nil;
else if counter >= index then
set array.counter = array.(counter+1);
removeArray2 array index counter+1
removeArray2 array index counter+1;;
fun setArray2 (string, counter)=
if (!strcmp string "") then
set array.counter = substr string 0 1;
setArray2 substr string 1 strlen string counter+1
/* Public functions */
fun getArray ()=
getArray2 0;;
fun getArrayValue (index)=
fun removeArray (index)=
if index > sizetab array then
removeArray2 array index 0;;
fun addArray (char)=
if 1 == strlen char then
let (sizetab array)-1 -> n in
addArray2 array char nil n
fun changeArray (index, char)=
set array.index = char;
fun setArray (string)=
set array = mktab strlen string "";
setArray2 string 0;;
/* Main function */
fun main ()=
_fooS input;
_fooId setArray input;
_fooS getArrayValue 12;
_fooId changeArray 2 "O";
_fooId removeArray 10;
_fooId addArray "!";
_fooS getArray;
Author : iri
Date : december 2011
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Updated by iri about 13 years ago · 2 revisions