The development team » History » Revision 1
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iri, 10/04/2012 09:34 PM
The development team¶
To contact us, we can send a mail to this address : scolring oo scolring ii org.
By alphabetic order :
Current :¶
- *Arkeon* [Bastien] (i-maginer) : C++ & Scol developer since 2000, VM, 3d export and Openspace3d, admin
- BobLeGob (independent) : C/C++ & Scol developer since 2000, VM
- E_Claire [Claire] (i-maginer) : doc writer since 2007, Openspace3d and others Scol apps
- *Iri* [stéphane] (independent) : C & Scol developer and doc writer since 2000, VM and Scol apps, admin
- *Nodrev* [Jeff] (i-maginer) : C++ & Scol developer since 2010, VM, 3d export and Openspace3d
- Tenshikris [Chris] (independent) : Scol developer and doc writer since 2011, Openspace3d
Between 2002 and 2012 :¶
- Asim Tahir : C/C++ developer, 2005, VM
- Hamza : Scol developer 2010, Openspace3d
- Kineas : Scol user, 2010, demos Openspace3d
- Medithe : C++ & Scol developer 2008-2010, VM and Openspace3d
- ModularMix : C++ & Scol developer 2010-2012, VM and Openspace3d
- Neywen : C/C++ & Scol developer 2000-2006, VM and Scol apps
- Pollux : C/C++ & Scol developer 1999-2004, VM and Scol apps
Before 2002 :¶
Scol was not yet a free software. The team was at Cryo-Networks (dozens of developers, VM and Scol apps)
Creator (1996) and lead programmer until 2002 : Sylvain Huet aka GMS (Great Master of Scol).
Note : VM = virtual machine, scol language, scol voyager, installer and others scripts
Scol apps = Scol applications
admin = web site administrator
Updated by iri over 12 years ago · 9 revisions