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mehdi, 03/02/2010 07:35 PM
= Trac Organisation =
To perform a better use of this trac and make it Understandable for all, a charter of use has been defined.
This trac had to be used because it is the central tools to define the priorities of development and to follow the Openspace3D project.
milestonesA milestone corresponds to a version of Openspace3D and the corresponding voyager.
The "Openspace3D beta" milestone permits to define the global objectives concerning the platform.
ComponentsThey allow to identify which components is targeted for a corresponding tickets.
A ticket could concern several components especially for Openspace3D beta'tickets
=== Exemples ===
VM_SO3Engine: 3D Engine Component(SO3Engine), could be : a development to modify SO3Engine.dll or to add a functionality into it
ex : Add functions to use stereoscopic rendering
OS3D_PlugIT : Component conerns the development of a new plugIT or a modification of an existing plugIT
Naming TicketsThe objetive is to define tickets as thematic tickets.
It optimises the project management.
=== Exemples ===
[Particles] Integration of particles system in Openspace3D (it is a global ticket)
A concrete exampleThe following example shows and explain the naming for tickets corresponding to a functionality.
"We want to develop an Avatar plugIT in Openspace3D"
- The global tickets in Openspace3D beta milestone is :
''milestone'' : Openspace3D beta ''summary'' : [Avatar] Add a plugIT to manage avatar. ''components'' : VM+OS3D_plugIT
- Into the milestone corresponding to the implementation, we add to give all the "subTickets" corresponding to Avatar plugIT project :
''milestone'' : Openspace3D alpha 0.1.9 ''summary'': [Avatar] Management of bones into 3D Engine ''Component'' VM_SO3Engine
''milestone'' : Openspace3D alpha 0.1.9 ''summary'': [Avatar] Possibility to Add Mesh to a bone into 3D Engine ''Component'' VM_SO3Engine
''milestone'' : Openspace3D alpha 0.1.9 ''summary'': [Avatar] plugIT editor ''Component'' OS3D_plugIT
''milestone'' : Openspace3D alpha 0.1.9 ''summary'': [Avatar] Animation system ''Component'' OS3D_plugIT
=== Avantages de la typologie ===
The global functionality is defined by a project [Avatar]
The functionallity is cutted in several tickets for the development into a version
Openspace3D beta allow to have a global vision of the final project and the different priorities
Updated by mehdi almost 15 years ago · 19 revisions