WikiStart » History » Revision 22
Revision 21 (arkeon, 05/18/2021 04:08 PM) → Revision 22/24 (arkeon, 01/28/2025 09:59 AM)
h1. Welcome to the SCOL wiki Scol is a free programming language. You can find a complete description about the goals and usages of this language [[What is Scol ??|here]]. h2. Using a Scol application * [[How to install Scol]] ? * [[How to use Scol]] ? * [[How to get a support|How to get support]] ? * [[Scol usage FAQ]] h2. Create your Scol application. * [[How to build a project from an existing software]] ? * [[How to develop a Scol software|How to develop an application with Scol]] ? h2. Contribute to the Scol language. * [[Why register on this site]] ? * [[How to post a bug or suggestions]] ? * [[How to submit a patch]] ? * [[How to write a tutorial]] / help, do a translation, submit graphics, etc ? * [[How to code an Scol extension]] ? h2. C/C++ developers. developers * [[Start to build Scol using CMAKE]] * [[ScolPluginsHowTo]] h2. Other resources on the web * "Documentations and tutorials": * "Scol community forum": * Contact [[the development team]] Wiki index: "index":