A mini-texte editor¶
- Load packages
- Define and call a function
- A structure
- Create and use a (pseudo) class (Oriented-Object Programming)
- Manage a window, text and button components
- Callbacks
- Default dialog boxes
First, Scol is case sensitive, remember this !
MyVariable, myVariable, myvariABle are differents. MyFunction, myFunction, MYFunction are differents too.
fun is a Scol keyword but Fun is not one.
Create a class¶
The better way is the creation of a new file. It will contains only the class code.
Like other languages, a class is a type. We can create an object : this is an instantiation of the class. Thus, we must be write a constructor. A class has one or more functions (methods or procedures in other languages), privates or publics.
Here is an example. There are several manners to create / use / write a class in Scol, depending on the context. It is our first step in the OOP.
The full commented source code is available in the repository
/* new type */ struct MyClass = [ // fields / attributs ] mkMyClass;; /* Private functions */ ... /* public functions */ // The constructor of our class fun MC_Constructor (...)= mkMyClass [...];; fun MC_GetField1 (objMC)= objMC.field1;; fun MC_SetField1 (objMC, value)= set objMC.field1 = value; objMC;; ...
Create the graphic interface class¶
In our project, we need a window, a text field (multi lines) and two buttons. Add the width and the height of the window to put our graphics components.
We define a new type : TextEd
struct TextEd = [ oWin : ObjWin, winWidth : I, winHeight : I, title : S, oText : ObjText, oLoad : ObjButton, oSave : ObjButton, cbLoad : fun [ObjButton TextEd] I, cbSave : fun [ObjButton TextEd] I, cbClose : fun [] I ] mkTextEd;;
The constructor is a simple initialization of the TextEd object :
fun TE_new (width, height, title, funLoad, funSave, funClose)= mkTextEd [nil width height nil nil nil nil funLoad funSave funClose];;
Of course, it must return the new object.
To build the user interface, we could do something like that :
fun TE_create (ed)= if ed != nil then ( set ed.oWin = _CRwindow _channel nil 0 0 ed.winWidth ed.winHeight WN_NORMAL ed.title; set ed.oText = _CReditText _channel ed.oWin 3 3 ed.winWidth-6 ed.winHeight-26 ET_DOWN|ET_ALIGN_LEFT|ET_HSCROLL|ET_VSCROLL nil; set ed.oLoad = _CRbutton _channel ed.oWin 3 ed.winHeight-23 (ed.winWidth-6)/2 20 0 "Load file"; set ed.oSave = _CRbutton _channel ed.oWin (ed.winWidth-6)/2+3 ed.winHeight-23 (ed.winWidth-6)/2 20 0 "Save file"; te_defineCallback ed ) else ed;;
ed is a TextEd object.
See source code files (link above) to know all private and public functions of this example.
The main file¶
We call the constructor and the builder.
fun main()= let TE_new 500 400 "Mini text editor" @_cbLoad @_cbSave @close -> ed in TE_create ed; 0;;
_cbLoad and _cbSave are functions called when the load (save) click button event occurs.
close is called after the destruction of the object.
Note : we could write _cbLoad and _cbSave in our class ...
License : GNU FDL v1.3
Tutorial by iri
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Updated by iri over 12 years ago · 3 revisions