OgreNewt::Vehicle Member List
This is the complete list of members for OgreNewt::Vehicle, including all inherited members.
addAngularRow(Ogre::Radian relativeAngleError, const Ogre::Vector3 &dir) const | OgreNewt::Joint | protected |
addGeneralRow(const Ogre::Vector3 &linear0, const Ogre::Vector3 &angular0, const Ogre::Vector3 &linear1, const Ogre::Vector3 &angular1) const | OgreNewt::Joint | protected |
addLinearRow(const Ogre::Vector3 &pt0, const Ogre::Vector3 &pt1, const Ogre::Vector3 &dir) const | OgreNewt::Joint | protected |
AddSingleSuspensionTire(Ogre::Node *node, const Ogre::Real mass, const Ogre::Real radius, const Ogre::Real width, const Ogre::Real friction, const Ogre::Real susLength, const Ogre::Real susSpring, const Ogre::Real susShock, const bool steer=false, const bool driving=false) | OgreNewt::Vehicle | |
destructorCallback(const CustomJoint *me) | OgreNewt::Joint | protectedstatic |
getBody0() const | OgreNewt::Joint | |
getBody1() const | OgreNewt::Joint | |
getCollisionState() const | OgreNewt::Joint | |
getSpeed() | OgreNewt::Vehicle | |
getStiffness() const | OgreNewt::Joint | |
GetSupportJoint() const | OgreNewt::Joint | protected |
getTireAngularVelocity(Ogre::Node *node) | OgreNewt::Vehicle | |
getTireOnAir(Ogre::Node *node) | OgreNewt::Vehicle | |
GetTiresCount() const | OgreNewt::Vehicle | |
getVehicleBody() | OgreNewt::Vehicle | |
getVehicleOnAir() | OgreNewt::Vehicle | |
getWorld() | OgreNewt::Joint | |
Joint() | OgreNewt::Joint | |
m_joint | OgreNewt::Joint | protected |
setBrake(Ogre::Real brake) | OgreNewt::Vehicle | |
setCollisionState(int state) const | OgreNewt::Joint | |
setDrivingTorque(Ogre::Radian torque) | OgreNewt::Vehicle | |
setRowAcceleration(Ogre::Real accel) const | OgreNewt::Joint | protected |
setRowMaximumFriction(Ogre::Real friction) const | OgreNewt::Joint | protected |
setRowMinimumFriction(Ogre::Real friction) const | OgreNewt::Joint | protected |
setRowSpringDamper(Ogre::Real springK, Ogre::Real springD) const | OgreNewt::Joint | protected |
setRowStiffness(Ogre::Real stiffness) const | OgreNewt::Joint | protected |
setSteerAngle(Ogre::Radian angle) | OgreNewt::Vehicle | |
setStiffness(Ogre::Real stiffness) const | OgreNewt::Joint | |
SetSupportJoint(CustomJoint *supportJoint) | OgreNewt::Joint | protected |
showDebugData(Ogre::SceneNode *debugRootNode) | OgreNewt::Vehicle | virtual |
submitConstraint(Ogre::Real timeStep, int threadIndex) | OgreNewt::Joint | inlinevirtual |
submitConstraintCallback(const CustomJoint *me, dFloat timestep, int threadIndex) | OgreNewt::Joint | protectedstatic |
Vehicle(OgreNewt::Body *carBody) | OgreNewt::Vehicle | |
~Joint() | OgreNewt::Joint | virtual |
~Vehicle() | OgreNewt::Vehicle | virtual |
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