


Scol standard library package  0.3.1
Common and usefull functions for all Scol applications
checkList.pkg File Reference

New CheckList widget API. More...


struct  CheckList
 Opaque internal structure. You should not call it directly, use API instead ! More...
struct  CheckObject
 Opaque internal structure. You should not call it directly, use API instead ! More...


typedef struct mkCheckList CheckList
typedef struct mkCheckObject CheckObject


 _ADDcheckList (cl, iLevel, isRadio, isLeft, szTitle, iflags)
 Add a check box object in a CheckList object to a given level.
 _APPENDcheckList (cl, isRadio, isLeft, szTitle, iflags)
 Append a check box object in a CheckList object.
 _CBcheckListChanged (cl, cbfun)
 Define the callback to the state changed event.
 _CBcheckListDestroy (cl, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the callback to the destroy event.
 _CBcheckListMove (cl, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the callback to the move event.
 _CBcheckListPaint (cl, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the callback to the paint event.
 _CBcheckListSize (cl, cbfun, uparam)
 Define the callback to the resize event.
 _CBcheckListSubSize (cl, cbfun)
 Define the callback to the resize event.
 _CHECKcheckListId (cl, iCoId)
 Return if an indetifier of a check box controls in a CheckList object exists or not.
 _CRcheckList (chn, parent, width, height, withScroll)
 Create an empty CheckList object.
 _DScheckList (cl)
 Destroy a CheckList object.
 _EXCHANGEcheckList (cl, iCoId1, iCoId2)
 Exchange the positions of two check box controls in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListCheckedList (cl)
 Get a list of all checked subcontrols in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListCount (cl)
 Get the number check box controls in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListFont (cl)
 Get the current font object used in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListHeight (cl, iHeight)
 Get the current subcontrol height in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListIdFromLevel (cl, iCoId)
 From a level, get the ID of a check box subcontrol in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListIds (cl)
 Get the list of indentifers of all check box controls in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListLevel (cl, iCoId)
 Get the current level of a subcontrol in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListShow (cl, iCoId)
 Get the visibility of a check box control in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListSpacing (cl)
 Get the current spacing between subcontrols in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListState (cl, iCoId)
 Get the current state of a check box control in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListTitle (cl, iCoId)
 Get the title of a check box control in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListUncheckedList (cl)
 Get a list of all unchecked subcontrols in a CheckList object.
 _GETcheckListWidth (cl, iHeight)
 Get the current subcontrol width in a CheckList object.
 _MOVEcheckList (cl, newx, newy)
 Move a CheckList object from its parent window or the desktop.
 _REMOVEcheckList (cl, iCoId)
 Remove a check box subcontrol in a CheckList object.
 _SETcheckList (cl, iCoId, iState, szTitle, iShown)
 Set a check box control settings.
 _SETcheckListFont (cl, oFont)
 Set the font object used in a CheckList object.
 _SETcheckListHeight (cl, iHeight)
 Set the height of the check box controls in a CheckList object.
 _SETcheckListShow (cl, iCoId, iShown)
 Set the visibility of a check box control in a CheckList object.
 _SETcheckListSpacing (cl, iSpacing)
 Set the spacing between check box controls in a CheckList object.
 _SETcheckListState (cl, iCoId, iState)
 Set the state of a check box control in a CheckList object.
 _SETcheckListTitle (cl, iCoId, szTitle)
 Set the title of a check box control in a CheckList object.
 _SETcheckListWidth (cl, iWidth)
 Set the width of the check box controls in a CheckList object.
 _SIZEcheckList (cl, neww, newh)
 Resize a CheckList object from its parent window or the desktop.
 checklist_cbChanged (o, u, state)
 checklist_cbDestroy (o, u)
 checklist_cbMove (o, u, newx, newy)
 checklist_cbPaint (o, u)
 checklist_cbSize (o, u, neww, newh)
 checklist_checkLevelGreater (l, levelRef)
 checklist_count (cl)
 checklist_create (chn, mother, width, height, scroll)
 checklist_createScrollWindow (cl)
 checklist_destroy (cl)
 checklist_destroyCo (cl, co)
 checklist_destrpyCo2 (l, co)
 checklist_downListCo (cl, levelref)
 checklist_downUpCo (cl, co, dir)
 checklist_exchange (cl, id1, id2)
 checklist_fontApply (l, cl)
 checklist_getCheckedList (cl, flag)
 checklist_getCheckedList2 (l, flag)
 checklist_getCoFromId (cl, idCo)
 checklist_getCoFromId2 (lCo, idCo)
 checklist_getIdFromLevel (cl, level)
 checklist_getIdFromLevel2 (l, level)
 checklist_getLevel (cl, id)
 checklist_getShwon (cl, id)
 checklist_getSizeFromCos (cl)
 checklist_getState (cl, id)
 checklist_getTitle (cl, id)
 checklist_idExist (cl, id)
 checklist_idExist2 (l, id)
 checklist_idList (cl)
 checklist_idList2 (l)
 checklist_init ()
 checklist_init_object ()
 checklist_move (cl, newx, newy)
 checklist_remove (cl, id)
 checklist_resizeCo (cl)
 checklist_resizeCo2 (l, cl)
 checklist_resizeVirtualWin (cl, newh, neww)
 checklist_set (cl, id, title, state, shown)
 checklist_setCoId (cl)
 checklist_setFont (cl, oFont)
 checklist_size (cl, neww, newh)
 checklist_updateSpacingHeight (cl, newSpacing, newHeight, newWidth)
 checklist_updateSpacingHeight2 (l, cl)
 checklist_upListCo (cl, levelref)
 checlist_create_object (cl, isRadio, flags, isLeft, title, pos)
 Constante to create a check box control.
 Constante to display a 3d border around the control.
 Constante to hide the control.
 Constante to create a control without scroll bar.
 Constante to create a radio box control.
 Constante to add a vertical scroll bar.
 Constante to show the contol.


proto checklist_resizeVirtualWin = fun [CheckList I I] CheckList

Detailed Description

New CheckList widget API.

Scol team