


Scol standard library package  0.3.1
Common and usefull functions for all Scol applications
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
|o*2dlist.pkgScol 2D Library - ListBox API
|o*bitmap.pkgScol 2D Library - Bitmap API
|o*browseText.pkgNew BrowseText widget API
|o*button.pkgCustomized buttons API
|o*checkList.pkgNew CheckList widget API
|o*combo.pkgScol 2D Library - ComboBox API
|o*dialog.pkgCustomized dialog boxes API
|o*grid.pkgNew Grid widget API
|o*rsc2d.pkg2d graphical resources API
|o*window.pkgWindow API
|\*working.pkgWorking API
|o*base3d.pkgScol 3D Library - 3D basic API
|o*base3derror.pkgScol 3D Library - 3D basic error. This package is a part of basic3d.pkg
|o*base3dload.pkgScol 3D Library - 3D basic loader. This package is a part of basic3d.pkg
|\*base3struct.pkgScol 3D Library - 3D basic definitions. This package is a part of basic3d.pkg
|\*console.pkgEasy Console API
|\*loc.pkgLocalization API
|o*fun.pkgScol Standard Library - Functions in package API
|\*pkg.pkgScol Packages Library - Packages in package API
 o*bool.pkgBoolean and Logical Standard Library API
 o*complex.pkgScol Standard Library - Complex number API
 o*curl.pkgScol Standard Library - New HTTP client request API
 o*error.pkgScol Standard Library - Error API
 o*float.pkgScol Standard Library - Floatting point numbers API
 o*hashtable.pkgScol Standard Library - Hash table API
 o*http.pkgScol Standard Library - HTTP client request API
 o*httpsrv.pkgScol Standard Library - Simple HTTP server API
 o*iteration.pkgScol Iteration Library API
 o*list.pkgScol Standard Library - List API
 o*load.pkgLoading Scol Standard Library API
 o*loop.pkgScol Standard Library - Loop API
 o*maths.pkgScol Standard Library - Maths API
 o*misc.pkgScol Standard Library - Miscelleanous API
 o*net.pkgScol Standard Library - Common network API
 o*stdlib.pkgScol Standard Library API
 o*string.pkgScol Standard Library - String API
 o*systemfiles.pkgScol Standard Library - System files API
 o*tab.pkgScol Standard Library - Table API
 o*tree.pkgScol Standard Library - Binary-tree API
 \*vm.pkgScol Standard Library - Scol virtual machine API