


Scol standard library package  0.3.1
Common and usefull functions for all Scol applications
list.pkg File Reference

Scol Standard Library - List API. More...


 std_ensemble (lA, lB, flag)
 std_lApplyFunc (list, f, x)
 apply a function to a list
 std_lCat (p, q)
 Concat two list to one.
 std_lDifference (lA, lB)
 Difference between two lists.
 std_lDifferenceSym (lA, lB)
 Symetric difference between two lists (xor)
 std_lDisjoint (lA, lB)
 Returns if a list is disjoint in another one (they have no element in common).
 std_lDivide (x, p, r1, r2, f)
 Divide list.
 std_lDivideList (item, items, sub1, sub2, func)
 Divide a list in two sub lists.
 std_lDivideString (x, p, r1, r2, f)
 Divide string list.
 std_lEltBigger (a, b)
 Conivience function to compare two elements.
 std_lEltCmp (a, b)
 Conivience function to compare two elements (string excepted)
 std_lEltNCmp (a, b)
 Conivience function to compare two elements (string excepted)
 std_leltpos (list, e, n, flag)
 std_lEltPos (list, e)
 Return the position of an element.
 std_leltposfunc (list, f, e, n)
 std_lEltPosFunc (list, f, e)
 Return the position of an element.
 std_lEltPosStr (list, e)
 Return the position of a string element case sensitive.
 std_lEltPosStri (list, e)
 Return the position of a string element case insensitive.
 std_lEltSmaller (a, b)
 Conivience function to compare two elements.
 std_lequals (lA, lB, f)
 std_lEquals (lA, lB, f)
 Return if two lists are equals (same size, same items, same order)
 std_lExtractList (list, e, func)
 Extract a list in two sub list.
 std_linclude (lA, lB, flag)
 std_lInclude (lA, lB)
 Returns if a list is included in another one.
 std_lIntersection (lA, lB)
 Intersection between two lists (and)
 std_lIsInList (list, e)
 Check if a value is in a given list.
 std_lIsInListFunc (list, f, e)
 Check if a value is in a given list.
 std_lQuickSort (list, func)
 Sort a list using an external function.
 std_lQuicksort (l, f)
 std_lQuicksortString (l, f)
 Sort a string list.
 std_lRemoveElt (list, e)
 Remove an element in a list.
 std_lRemoveFunc (list, func, e)
 Remove an element in a list by a function.
 std_lRemoveStr (list, e)
 Remove an string in a list. Case-sensitive.
 std_lRemoveStri (list, e)
 Remove an string in a list. Case-insensitive.
 std_lReplaceElement (lSrc, oldElt, newElt)
 Replace an element by other one.
 std_lReplaceElementStr (lSrc, oldS, newS)
 Replace an string by other one Case sensitive.
 std_lReplaceElementStri (lSrc, oldS, newS)
 Replace an string by other one Case insensitive.
 std_lReverse (list)
 Reverse a list (perform a mirror)
 std_lSearch (l, f, x)
 std_lSearchAll (l, f, x)
 std_lSetUnique (lSrc)
 Remove all supplemental elements. The list will have unique elements only.
 std_lSetUniqueEx (lSrc, func)
 Remove all supplemental elements. The list will have unique elements only.
 std_lSortList (l, f)
 Sort a list.
 std_lSplit (l, pos)
 Split a list in two list at given position.
 std_lStriIsInList (list, e)
 Check if a string is in a given string list case insensitive.
 std_lStrIsInList (list, e)
 Check if a string is in a given string list case sensitive.
 std_lsub (list, start, end, cpt)
 std_lSub (list, start, end)
 Extract a list between to indices.
 std_lunion (lA, out)
 std_lUnion (lA, lB)
 Union between two lists (or)


proto std_lDisjoint = fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1]] I
proto std_lEquals = fun [[u0 r1] [u0 r1] fun [u0 u0] I] I

Detailed Description

Scol Standard Library - List API.

Scol team

This API provides an high level method to easily include list manipulations

Function Documentation

std_lSearch ( ,
u0 : the item or nil if not found
std_lSearchAll ( ,
[u0 r1] : the items list or nil if not found